An educator explains exactly what your two-year-old does all day at child care

July 15, 2020


As parents, it’s natural to wonder what your child gets up to all day at child care. You might wonder if they’ve settled in, whether they’ve got friends to play with, and whether they’re eating enough.  

You might also wonder exactly what activities they take part in each day. Most two-year-olds aren’t exactly forthcoming with tons of information, so we decided to do our own digging.

Toddle spoke with Jenny An, Operational Director from ToBeMe Early Learning in Sydney, to find out exactly what a typical day looks like for a two-year-old at her centres ToBeMe Five Dock and ToBeMe Burwood.

How do you show parents what sorts of activities you offer?

‘Parents often ask us what sort of activities their child will experience each day,’ Jenny shares. ‘During the tour of the centre, we will show the families all areas where we offer our specialised program. 

This includes our library, science and technology room, Piano room, Gym, LEGO room, art room and construction room. Our projects and children’s work are respectfully displayed in their room for children to extend on their interest and for our parents.’

You read that right - a LEGO room! You can read more about the ToBeMe programs here.

Between all of the activities, the outdoor play, the meals and snacks, the toilet visits or nappy changes, it’s easy to see how the children can fill their days.  

‘At ToBeMe we offer so much for the children it is hard to fit it all into one day.’

Communicating the day’s activities with parents

‘Our educators capture various photos and videos of the children participating in a variety of activities throughout the day, and then share them onto our app,’ explains Jenny. 

‘Our educators and parents are also able to communicate with each other through the app and during drop off and pick up.  We also send out monthly newsletters and any communications to our families as well as children’s learning stories and observations.’

Is it a lot of work to plan each day’s activities and to make each day different?

‘Our educators plan a program each week based on the children’s interests, developmental needs, parent input and intentional teaching,’ shares Jenny. 

‘It is not hard to keep the children occupied each day as there are many experiences to get through.’

What might a 2-year-old child get up to on a given day at child care?

‘The children arrive each morning and are greeted by their educators,’ explains Jenny. ‘Depending on the time they arrive they may join us for breakfast during our Family group in the nursery room, morning tea or group time.

The children generally split up into small groups to engage in different experiences with their educators. They transition to different rooms in the centre before and after having lunch.

After nap time they prepare for gym or piano lessons then have afternoon tea and we start our afternoon activities again. During the day, nappy changes are done regularly and we even help our children to start using the toilet!’

Jenny shared that some of the activities a two-year-old might get involved with include:

  • Outdoor activities such as obstacles course
  • Sharing a table for morning tea with their friends
  • Looking at picture books with educators 
  • Participate in ‘news’ time to share information with their peers
  • Nature and sand play
  • Language lessons such as Italian
  • Arts and craft experiences
  • Setting up tables for lunch and cleaning up afterwards
  • Relaxation and yoga experiences
  • Music lessons
  • Fitness program with fun circuit exercises in the gym
  • Having a break for some nutritious afternoon tea
  • Listening to stories or songs from the educators
  • Watering the plants 

No wonder your little one sleeps so well after a day of child care. They’re busy playing, learning and having fun with their friends and educators!

You can read more about ToBeMe Five Dock and ToBeMe Burwood here, or find child care for your little one by entering the name of your suburb in the search bar at the top of the page.

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