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7 reasons why parents are so thankful for their child’s educators right now

May 27, 2020


After being stuck at home in isolation with kids, now more than ever parents are so grateful for the amazing work that their child’s educators do.

All that the child care centre educators do for our children (and for parents) has really come into focus and today we want to say thank you to these wonderful people.

1) ‘I see you celebrate my child’s milestones as much as I do’ 

The educators at your child care centre care so deeply about your child. When they see a child take their first steps or start saying ‘mum’ they want to clap and cheer as much as you. And we love them for that.

2) ‘I see you helping my child to make friends’

Is there anything more beautiful than seeing your child happily playing with a friend at child care? The educators do a lot of work behind the scenes to help children form relationships, and for parents this is a huge weight off their shoulders.

3) ‘I see you love the children like they’re your own’

As a parent there is a certain level of guilt that can arise about leaving your babies at child care. But when you see your little one reach out their arms out to their educator when you arrive at the centre in the mornings (instead of clinging onto you for dear life), this feeling vanishes. It’s so lovely to know that your child feels happy and safe at their child care centre.

4) ‘I see you as part of my family’ 

For many children, their child care centre is a home away from home. There are some children that just see it as an extension of their family unit, which is so heart warming. Educators work hard to build the triangle of trust between the children, the parents and themselves - and it shows. 

5) ‘I see you encouraging my child’

Educators have years of experience with children, and they can see potential in your child that perhaps the child doesn’t. 

They will be there to encourage your child to try something new, whether that’s adding another level to their block tower, balancing on the wobbly beam, or mastering scissors as a left hander (it’s tricky!). 

For the educators, seeing your child achieve something is one of the best parts of the job. They love working out what your child is interested in and then using that to extend their teaching in different areas. 

6) ‘I see you noticing when I need a hand’ 

Many of the child care centres Toddle speaks to understand that some families are going through hard times. 

Whether it’s a community pantry where families can grab a bag of pasta and sauce if they need it, family meals that are made and given out for busy parents to take home, to some centres that even offer to babysit after hours at the centre so that parents can have a long overdue meal out together. Educators are always going above and beyond for the families at their centre.

7) ‘I see you giving my child a healthy start

For many families, food can be a battleground and fussy eating can drive parents to despair. But the educators use all the tools in their kit to encourage little ones to eat the meals and snacks that were lovingly prepared by the in-house chefs. 

So many parents know that their child eats more at child care than they do at home, and they appreciate it so much. Knowing that a child is filling up on healthy food, learning to share, serving themselves, chatting over a meal and helping to pack away is a huge win for families.

To all the educators out there that keep our child care centres running, help us parents to work, and make our children so happy, we say thank you.

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Toddle is the most comprehensive child care finder in Australia, on a mission to make parents’ lives easier.