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Easter Hat Ideas: Easy and Inexpensive Easter Hat Ideas For Children

March 23, 2021


Easter is a special time of the year, especially for children who look forward to Easter activities, and celebrations such as Easter parades and parties. Dressing up is a big part of the fun, so why not learn how to make Easter hats as part of your family Easter tradition?

Here are some easy, enjoyable and show-stopping Easter hat ideas for you and your child. They'll be so proud to show off their creation at the Easter parade at their child care centre or pre-school.

Decorated straw hat

This is an easy, inexpensive but impressive hat to make, and here’s what you’ll need:

  • Straw hat that fits your child (if you don’t have one already, try an op-shop)
  • Felt or coloured card for the ears
  • Easter decorations from the dollar-shop: small eggs and bunnies, paper flowers, and shredded green paper
  • Green, pink or yellow ribbon
  • Glue gun or strong craft glue

To get started, cut out a pair of Bunny ears from felt or cardboard, using white or grey for the main shape, and pink for the smaller inner ear. Make sure they’ll be long enough to stick out above your child’s head! Glue the colours together to form the ears, then glue them to the back of the straw hat, at the base of the brim. Carefully glue the ribbon of your choice around the base of the hat, securing the bunny ears in place, then start decorating! Glue the green shredded paper around the brim of the hat as grass, then glue your other decorations in place on top of the grass for a romping Easter Bunny in a flower meadow effect.

Easter Bunny party hat

Simple and effective, this adorable hat will be the star of any Easter party!

You will need:

  • Grey or white card/paper
  • Pink pencil or pink paper
  • Black texta
  • Black pipe cleaners for whiskers
  • Elastic or twine
  • Glue gun
  • Sticky tape

First, you’ll need to print out a party hat template (readily available on Google) onto grey or white card/paper, cut out the pattern and glue it together to form a cone. Cut out proportionate bunny ears in the same colour, with pink inner ears either drawn or stuck on. Glue bunny ears half-way up the cone on an angle so that they stick out, then make the bunny’s face by drawing nose, eyes and mouth onto the front of the cone in black texta, and cutting two holes on each side of the nose for whiskers. Cut pipe cleaners to size for the whiskers, then poke into the holes and secure on the inside with sticky tape. Make a hole on each side of the base of the cone, and thread through the elastic or twine and sticky tape in place – make sure it fits your child snugly, as this will hold their party hat on while they celebrate!

Egg carton rainbow bonnet

This is a fun one for little hands to get involved in, and uses supplies you certainly have at home - with a sweet and colourful result.

What you’ll need:

  • 12 cup egg carton
  • Paints
  • Ribbon
  • Scissors

Carefully cut along a row of egg cups, then cut out the cardboard between each cup so you’re left with six individual cardboard egg shapes. Now set your little one up with paints, and let them paint each one a different colour (or let them be the creative boss!). Once they’ve dried, make small holes at the base on both sides of each egg cup, then thread a ribbon through to join them all together (upside down so they resemble eggs). Tie the ribbon under your child’s chin, and remember to take a photo of them in their magnificent rainbow egg bonnet.

Crafty Bunny crown

This beautiful felt crown is one for the crafty and patient parents, and older children who can help with cutting and designing.  

You will need:

  • Various colours of felt for background, Easter Bunnies, grass, eggs and a tree
  • Sewing needle and coloured thread to match felt
  • Scissors

Measure around your child’s head, add an extra couple of centimetres for the join, then cut your background felt colour into a thick strip this long and approximately 6-7cm wide, adding jagged edges for an optional crown style. Cut shapes out of felt for bunnies, eggs, flowers, a tree and a strip of grass, and sew into place with the grass running along the bottom of the crown, a bunny and tree in the middle, and eggs and flowers right the way around. Double-check the measurements before sewing the ends together, then go ahead and crown your little King or Queen!

At the end of the day, your child will love anything you’ve made. So get creative, have fun with these Easter hat ideas, and don’t worry too much about the end result!

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