A Letter from the Tooth Fairy

June 08, 2021


Losing teeth is a big deal, and not just because it means growing up - most kids are also looking forward to receiving something from the Tooth Fairy. Children have usually heard about the tooth fairy long before they lose their first tooth, and are eagerly awaiting that first wobble so that they can be initiated into this exciting new phase.

From the first tooth to the last, each tooth loss comes with curious wonder about what the Tooth Fairy will bring. Each family decides what they’d like the Tooth Fairy to represent and whether they leave a gift, but regardless of what you choose, including a letter from the Tooth Fairy makes the experience even more exciting, authentic and memorable.

If you like this idea but don’t know what to write, keep reading for Tooth Fairy message ideas and a tooth fairy letter template.

What to include

When you’re writing a letter from the tooth fairy, you want to include enough detail to make it seem real, but also maintain the mysterious and magical feeling. To get you started, here is a guide to structuring the letter.  While this Tooth Fairy letter template has been written for the first tooth, it can be adjusted for any tooth loss.


Make the letter personal by addressing it to the child, and then introduce the tooth fairy and what their role is.

Dear Maddi,

Congratulations on losing your first tooth! And what a fine tooth it is. I am the Tooth fairy, and it’s my job to collect children’s teeth when they fall out.  


Explain why the letter is being sent, what it means, and how it will be used in fairyland (optional). You could also include a detail on how the child’s life is changing, if this loss coincides with a new development such as starting school, learning to write, or a sporting achievement. If you’re going to leave a gift, such as coins for their piggy bank savings, you can also mention that here.

I am writing to you because yesterday you lost your first tooth – you’re growing up so fast! I found your tooth neatly tucked under your pillow in the night, and took it back to Fairyland where it will be polished and added to my collection/used to build a fairy palace. I left a crystal/coin in its place, to mark this special occasion. 

Signing off

At the end of the letter, thank the child for the tooth, and take the opportunity to remind them to look after their other teeth.

Thank you for the gift of your beautiful tooth, you have taken such good care of it which is a sign of how ready you are for all the new adventures coming your way. Remember to look after all your other teeth by brushing them thoroughly and eating plenty of vegetables, and I’ll be back to collect them when they fall out.

All my fairy wishes,

The Tooth Fairy.

Make the letter magical

Now that you’ve got the bones of the letter sorted, you can focus on making it a magical experience for your child to receive.

Here are some tips:

  • Write the letter on fairy themed paper, or draw a fairy in the corner
  • Keep it small - it’s from a fairy after all
  • Put it in a tiny envelope addressed to your child, from the Tooth Fairy in Fairyland
  • A sprinkle of glitter in the envelope will give it an extra magical touch


With this tooth fairy letter template as a guide, you can get creative and write a beautiful letter to mark this special milestone, that will help to make losing teeth a positive and exciting experience. To prepare for another magical moment in your child’s year, find out how to write a letter from the Easter bunny here.

Another way you can prepare for what’s ahead is by searching Toddle, the largest database of childcare services in Australia, to find an approved centre near you.  

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