In big and small ways, different women play a role in helping parents bring up children. During these strange times, we might not have been able to physically see all the mother figures that we have in our lives.
So this year we want to honour them on Mother’s Day and say that even though we can’t see you right now, we are all so thankful for all that you do.
There are our own mothers (and stepmothers, and mother figures), who may have had to stay away from their grandchildren for a while during this period of isolation. They’re the ones that we call when we need to ask a question, when we need some reassurance that we’re doing this parenting thing right, or just for a chat.
There are the beautiful child care educators, who do so much for our little ones. They celebrate our children’s milestones with us, they spend quality time helping our children learn new things, they keep them safe, and they make them feel loved.
We want to thank our own grandmothers, if we’re still lucky enough to have them in our lives. These women (and other grandmother figures), are always there to offer us pearls of wisdom, good old fashioned comfort food, and of course the best ever cuddles. These are the women that spoil us as much as they do the children. We can’t wait until we’re allowed to go and visit again and catch up.
Thank you to our lovely neighbours with whom we have shared many a cuppa and cake. We may not have been able to sit together in the kitchen, but it’s lovely being able to chat over the fence.
There are the other mums, the ones we know and the ones we don’t. We see them at the park and smile as our children race towards the same swing. The ones that hand us a packet of wipes when they see our child covered in ice cream.
The mums that were there from the very beginning, who know how much (or how little) sleep we’re getting, and offer us a hot cup of coffee and a smile when we need it.
There are our sisters, who may or may not have their own families to look after. They’re the ones that make us feel welcome when we call in unannounced and stay for a cuppa that ends up being dinner, then a movie, and maybe even a sleepover. We have missed these moments and we’re so glad you’re never more than a phone call away.
Then there are our own friends that have become like aunties to our children. The ones that make our child feel heard as they regale them with every detail of the worm that they saw in the garden. The ones that always have time for just one more story.
What about the other women that support us, the ones we may not even know the names of? Like the lovely lollipop lady that helps us cross the road to school, or the lady in the cafe that gives your child an extra marshmallow with their babycino, the friendly woman in the supermarket that smiles at you when your toddler is having a meltdown. We miss you, and we thank you.
We’re not meant to do this parenting gig alone, in a bubble, without these other support people in our lives. Perhaps it wasn’t until we couldn’t see them for a while that we realised just how much ‘the village’ really does help us to raise our children.
This Mother’s Day, why not make a card for all the special women in your life? You can download our ‘Little Monster’ Mother’s Day cards and customisable gift vouchers here.