How this child care centre forms strong bonds with their children’s families

August 16, 2020


When a child feels safe and secure, it allows them to feel confident in their ability to cope with change, form relationships, and reach their full potential. 

That’s why the educators at Bluebird Early Education Cobram place so much weight on building this relationship. 

Toddle spoke with Jenny Creighton, Centre Manager of Bluebird Early Education Cobram, to find out why this bond between educators and families is so important, and how they make it happen in the child care setting.

Why do you think forming relationships with the children and their families is so important?

‘Forming relationships is so important as children thrive when they have a secure and positive relationship with their educator,’ shares Jenny. 

‘This helps them develop confidence and makes them feel valued. For families, it is equally important that they feel at ease leaving their child with us.  

Conversations with families build trusting relationships and help them feel confident that their child is being educated and cared for in a positive, nurturing environment.’

Does a good relationship with a child’s family help them settle into their day more smoothly?

‘Definitely,’ says Jenny. ‘If the family has trust in the educators then the child will feel a sense of trust too. They will feel safe and secure, and be able to build positive secure attachments to the educator.’ 

How do you know when you’ve formed a close attachment with the child and their family?

‘When a child settles in without being stressed or upset, and can separate from their family knowing that they are safe and secure,’ says Jenny. 

‘It’s the same with the parents, when they can separate from their child without feeling upset, overwhelmed or guilty.  When they don’t need to linger because they know that their child is being nurtured, educated and cared for in a safe and trusting environment.’

What are some of the things that you do to help forge this bond?

‘Open and honest communication is the key for us, and showing a genuine interest in their child,’ explains Jenny.  

‘We ensure that we get to know the families and what they are like at home so we can reflect this in our curriculum.  Our families love nothing better than conversing with us about their holidays or weekends away. We get to know them as people as well as parents.’

Do the bonds between families and educators translate to confident children at your centre?

‘We have two children who have been with us in the same room together since they were little babies,’ shares Jenny.  ‘Every day they wait for each other to arrive, they greet each other with a hug, and then settle in by having breakfast together.  

The two families of these children think it’s wonderful and joke around saying they will get married one day.

The relationships between families and educators mean that children feel confident to build their own peer to peer relationships.  When children feel safe, secure and valued, they can then build friendships of their own.’

You can read more about Bluebird Early Education Cobram here, or find child care in your area by using the Toddle search bar at the top of the page.

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