Kids Bedroom Ideas - Decorating & Painting

June 04, 2021


From the moment little ones come into the world, they bring their own personalities and evoke certain colours and themes. Whether it’s making a nursery a fun and beautiful way to welcome your baby into the world, or decorating a room for a toddler or older child who will appreciate the outcome and love having some involvement in the process, making a kid’s bedroom their own is a worthwhile project. You don’t need a reason to do this, but it can also help ease transitions, such as the move from a crib to a toddler bed, trialling no night-time nappies, or going to sleep on their own. It makes kids excited and motivated, and feel like the big kid they’re growing into with this change.

If you’d like to give it a go but don’t know where to start, this article can act as a springboard - with kids bedroom ideas and room decorating ideas, along with painting and decorating tips, you’ll soon be busy planning.

Kids Bedroom Themes

Before you begin, you’ll need to decide on an overall theme for your kid’s room to make it a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing environment, and to help you plan decorating and painting. Depending on your child’s age you could choose with their input or on your own, and there are truly endless options for fun, beautiful, and even educational themes. You can simply go with your preference for style and design, or consider some of these ideas:

  • Colour
  • Rainforest
  • Safari
  • Favourite book/character
  • Outer space 


Once you’ve got the theme and the bare bones of the room sorted- bed, chair, cupboard/chest of drawers- you can look at decorating the room. This adds to what you’ve started, and is also an opportunity to showcase your child’s unique interests, personality and style. It’s not necessary to make it elaborate or expensive, just think about your child and how you can make the room suit them with what you’ve got: what are they passionate about? What would make them happy and feel safe and comfortable? They’ll be excited for something new even if it’s only the furniture being shifted around, a couple of new items and a fresh colour on the walls.  

Decorating can include carpet, fairy lights, paintings, pictures and photos in frames, and bed linen and toys. You can also personalise the room further with your child’s name on the door or above the bed. If you’ve got the space and the materials, creating a ‘quiet corner’ in the room with a small tent (or cloths rigged up to form a small shelter), with a fluffy rug inside and fairy lights strung around, makes a cosy retreat for your child to dream, rest and read. On the topic of reading, it’s also a good idea to have a bookcase in your child’s room so that you can start curating a book collection that they will treasure forever.

Painting ideas for a kids bedroom

However you choose to paint, it’s best to think about how the paint will match the overall decoration theme and style of the room. For example, if you’ve decided to have a pink themed room you could paint the walls a pale cream or blue to complement, with some pink flower or heart decals. If your room will be quite ‘busy’ with decorations, consider a subtle colour paint so that it’s not too overwhelming, because their bedroom is also a place of rest and sleep. Here are some more ideas for your walls:

  • Wall decals/stencils
  • A strip of wallpaper print around the room
  • A feature wall - have three walls a plain colour and one wall a colour that matches the theme
  • Set up a constellation on their ceiling of glow-in-the-dark stars that they can gaze up at


Note your favourite of these kids bedroom ideas, and search your theme on Pinterest for some further inspiration. Then get started creating a kids room that will welcome them into the world or a new phase of their life, and fulfil your interior design and DIY potential.

To find a childcare that also matches your child’s unique personality and interests, search Toddle - the largest database of childcare centres in Australia.

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