10 fun activities to do at home this Father’s Day

August 24, 2020


This Father’s Day might feel a little different for many families. With everyone social distancing, large family gatherings or big days out are not going to be on the calendar.

We have lots of dads on the team here at Toddle HQ. So we asked them to share some great ideas for Father’s Day that can all be organised at home and that are ideal for children of all ages. 

Why not make a plan to try some of these on Father’s Day, Sunday September 6th? Be sure to keep reading to find out how you can WIN Dad a $150 Bunnings voucher!

1. World’s biggest breakfast

Does your Dad love waffles, granola, bacon and eggs, or something else entirely? Why not treat him to the ultimate big breakfast of his dreams? Pour the OJ and flip those pancakes, it’s time to treat King Dad to his favourite meal.

2. Games tournament

Does Dad love board games? Obstacle courses? Puzzles? All of the above? Why not pull out all the stops with a full-scale family Olympics. Play loads of different games (to suit all levels of skill!) and see who will become the family champion.

3. Family painting

This one requires some equipment, but the end result is well worth it. Grab a big canvas that will fit on your wall at home when it’s finished. Bring home some paints and brushes too, and set the canvas up outside. Starting with some big brushes, have everyone work together to make a background colour for your artwork. From there, set a timer for each person to have a go at adding their own artistic flair! Take turns with different colours and different sized brushes, and make a one-of-a-kind artwork that will take pride of place in your home.

4. Make a movie 

Whether you make a movie trailer, a cooking show, or a music video - the stage is yours! Have fun planning your movie with Dad, thinking of a way to include the whole family in the making of it. Then you can watch it for years to come and remember the special day.

5. Picnic in the backyard

Prepare a meal plan of Dad’s favourite foods and pack them up to eat on a rug in the garden. No backyard? A rug picnic in the living room is lots of fun too!

6. Water fight 

If the weather is warm enough, collect your water guns, water balloons and water sprayers for a family water fight. You might even decide to make it a family vs Dad game! Who will stay dry?

7. Learn some dance moves

Find one of Dad’s favourite songs with a good beat (90’s hip-hop anyone?) and make up a choreographed family dance to it. This will be great to record on video and watch again later. 

8. Treasure hunt

Let Dad have some fun finding his present this year! Have the children help to set up a series of clues, jokes or riddles that he needs to solve in order to finally find his present and card at the end. For instance, you might write a clue that says ‘What gets wetter the more it dries?’ and the answer is ‘a towel!’ so the next clue is near Dad’s towel.

9. Movie night 

Have a think about Dad’s favourite family-friendly movie, and make a night of it with popcorn, blankets, and lots of cuddles. If you have the means, setting up a screen outside in the garden with deck chairs and pillows would be loads of fun too.

10. Backyard camping

Have you got enough room to set up a little tent, or just some sleeping bags, in your garden? The whole family will get a kick out of sleeping in the great outdoors without having to leave home. Tell stories, use a torch to look for possums, and if you’ve got a fire pit - marshmallows are a must.

Want to win Dad a $150 Bunnings voucher for Father’s Day*?

Simply download our free Father’s Day cards and activity pack here. Share a photo of the finished product on Instagram or Facebook, tagging and following @toddle.aus and including the hashtag #toddletogether.  We’ll be in touch if you’re a winner!

*Terms & conditions apply.

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Toddle is the most comprehensive child care finder in Australia, on a mission to make parents’ lives easier.