Business Ideas For Kids

May 25, 2021


Running your own business is an increasingly popular and viable career option as it’s versatile and exciting, with huge potential for growth - and you’re never too young to start! Kids taking their passion and turning it into a business is a great way to encourage resourcefulness, creativity and organization, practice important life skills such as communication, and boost self-esteem and confidence. Having their own business is also an opportunity for your child to begin learning about work ethic, money and financial responsibility in a safe and supportive environment.

Children are usually much more independent and mature than we give them credit for, and having the responsibility of their own business will show you just how competent they really are and give them a chance to challenge and reward themselves. Consider your child’s interests, age and ability level before going ahead and make sure they are well supported and safe throughout the process.

This article will give you some business ideas for kids that will get you and your children inspired and started on an entrepreneurial journey.  

1. Dog walking

This is the perfect business for an animal-loving child, and can be slowly built up as your child grows to meet their capabilities- you could start off going for the walks with them until they’re old enough and confident to walk on their own (and by this stage they will have an established client base).

2. Floristry

This is a great idea for all age groups and can be done with varying levels of help and supervision. Start by helping your child pick flowers and greenery from your garden and arranging bouquets together. Even while they need help with cutting stems, tying bunches and pricing, try to let your child take creative control with choosing flowers and arrangement composition so that they build a style of their own. Set up a cart in your driveway or somewhere local with good foot traffic (make sure you’ve checked any legal requirements with your local council). Talk through and explain the pricing process, and try to involve them in money handling as they grow and learn.

3. Baked goods seller

Get busy in your kitchen with children of any age, making baked goods to sell. Try to use simple recipes that kids will soon get the hang of, so that they can take increasing responsibility in the making process. When you choose where you’d like to set up your baked goods stall, check your local council for any health and safety and permit requirements.

4. Music

Does your child have a passion for music? Whether it’s drums, xylophone, ukulele or singing, people love to see and hear children performing music, so this could be a very successful business idea. They could start off by ‘busking’, or playing music in public places (check if you need a license or permit to perform in certain areas) with a donation bucket, and build up the business to get requests for bookings at events.

5. Craft and art

Children are natural artists, and handmade art is incredibly valuable - if they have a particular talent for painting, drawing, or making craft, consider turning it into a business by setting up a stall in your driveway or at the local market to sell their masterpieces.

6. Chores

Involving children in housework from the moment they can comprehend is important for learning hygiene and cleaning skills, and developing personal responsibility. Cleaning can also transform into a business as your child gets older, if they’re proficient in undertaking their chores at home they could begin offering these services for a fee to neighbors and friends. From cleaning bathrooms and toilets, to tidying yards and taking out rubbish, there would be plenty of people keen to outsource these chores to an eager and enthusiastic worker.

7. Face painter

Children of all ages love getting their faces painted at parties, fairs and special occasions, so why not help your child become the face painter?  If your child loves painting and has a social personality, this could be the best job for them. Let them practice their art on you and other willing family members (practicing common face painting requests such as butterflies and dolphins) and when they’re feeling confident start offering their services at events. Soon they’ll make a name for themselves and begin getting requests for parties and events.

Now that you’ve got some business inspiration, work with your child’s unique talents to build a business with them that will provide endless learning opportunities – and hopefully money too!

Children also learn plenty of life skills in childcare, so find an approved Australian childcare centre near you with Toddle, the most comprehensive childcare database in Australia.

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Toddle is the most comprehensive child care finder in Australia, on a mission to make parents’ lives easier.