I have three children come through this centre, my first was in another centre that wasn’t teaching him anything and I was worried how ‘school ready’ he would be so I did the last minute pull out and started him here, he learnt more in that last term then he did the whole time at the other centre.
My second born thrive, both children are school age and because of the program at Amiga that see them understand structure of a classroom with allocated learning time both were so school ready and never struggled with transition from kinder/daycare to school.
I currently have my third in there, with a couple years break between them starting and my second leaving, still lots of the same friendly faces (shows a stable working environment where low turn over) and he too is thriving and I’m confident will be school ready when he starts.
If you want a centre that has the best of both worlds, play base also with structure educational program, and does extra activities inside and outside of the centre (recently they went on a bus to the local library), Amiga is for you.