YMCA Giralang After School Care

Working towards
Opening hours unavailable
Giralang Primary School Canopus Crescent, Giralang

Availability & Fees

Before School Care

5 yrs to 12 yrs

This service doesn't have any vacancies for this age group right now.
Fee information is not available.

Fees for YMCA Giralang After School Care may vary based on rebate availability. You may be eligible to a rebate of up to 85% of your childcare fees.

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Location of YMCA Giralang After School Care

Giralang Primary School Canopus Crescent, Giralang

Giralang suburb information

Giralang is a suburb located in Australian Capital Territory. There are approximately 5 child care centres in Giralang.

How much is child care in Giralang? On average, the cost of child care in Giralang is $148 per day. This breaks down to $148 per day for babies, $146 per day for toddlers and $138 per day for kindergarten.

Giralang sits just above the national NQS Rating & the average rating of centres is «Meeting NQS».

Average cost per day


0-12 Months



13-24 Months



2-3 Years


National quality standard

National Average
Working towards
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