Greenleaf Early Learning Centre

Availability & Fees

6 wks to 2 yrs





pls contact the centre

Fees for Greenleaf Early Learning Centre may vary based on rebate availability. You may be eligible to a rebate of up to 85% of your childcare fees.

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Reviews for Greenleaf Early Learning Centre

Sajida Zaheer5 months ago

Our journey with Greenleaf Early Learning Centre has been nothing short of magical! Garine, Nancy, Winnie, Yash, and the other wonderful educators haven't just cared for our little one; they've wholeheartedly embraced him. Smrity, with her caring and friendly nature, warmly welcomed us into the Greenleaf family. Gunjan and Raj brought an exciting sense of novelty to the centre, creating a vibrant and stimulating environment for all the children. The genuine care and warmth the educators provide for my son are truly heart-warming. The fact that he eagerly jumps from our hands to theirs speaks volumes about the strong bond and trust he has developed with each of them. We began this journey when he was just 5 months old, and now, at 1 1/2 years, he continues to thrive under their thoughtful care. These educators have stood by us at every milestone, sharing in our joy just like family. Their unwavering commitment to creating a nurturing and supportive space for the children is truly commendable. Greenleaf has transformed into a second home for our little one, and we are incredibly grateful for the love, care, and dedication shown by the entire team. Thank you for being an integral part of our child's growth and development!

Response from the owner5 months ago

Dear Sajida, Thank you so much for taking the time to share your heartwarming feedback about your journey with Greenleaf Early Learning Centre. We are touched and delighted to hear about the wonderful experience you and your little one have had with us. Your words reflect the strong bond and trust that has developed between our educators and your son, and we are thrilled to witness his growth and thriving at Greenleaf since the tender age of 5 months. We greatly appreciate your acknowledgment of the educators standing by you at every milestone, sharing in your joy like family. Their unwavering commitment to nurturing and supporting the children is a testament to the genuine care that defines the Greenleaf experience. Transforming Greenleaf into a second home for your little one is one of our greatest achievements, and we are truly grateful for the love, care, and dedication shown by our entire team. Thank you for entrusting us with the growth and development of your child—it's an honour to be an integral part of this special journey. Looking forward to many more magical moments together! Warm regards, Gunjan, Raj and the GELC Team

Location of Greenleaf Early Learning Centre

21 Greenleaf St, Constitution Hill (Parramatta Lga)

Constitution Hill suburb information

Constitution Hill is a suburb located in New South Wales. There are approximately 16 child care centres in Constitution Hill.

How much is child care in Constitution Hill? On average, the cost of child care in Constitution Hill is $128 per day. This breaks down to $128 per day for babies, $126 per day for toddlers and $125 per day for kindergarten.

Constitution Hill sits just above the national NQS Rating & the average rating of centres is «Meeting NQS».

Average cost per day


0-12 Months



13-24 Months



2-3 Years


National quality standard

Constitution Hill
National Average
Working towards
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