Currumbin Pines Early Learning Centre of Excellence

5.0 Google Rating|Exceeding
Opening hours unavailable
54a Guineas Creek Rd, Currumbin Waters

Availability & Fees

6 wks to 2 yrs

This service doesn't have any vacancies for this age group right now.
Fee information is not available.

Fees for Currumbin Pines Early Learning Centre of Excellence may vary based on rebate availability. You may be eligible to a rebate of up to 85% of your childcare fees.

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Reviews for Currumbin Pines Early Learning Centre of Excellence

Sienna Craig7 days ago

I have worked at Currumbin Pines ELC since it opened in 2017. The centre has grown from strength to strength over those years, with embedded programs such as Nature Education and a beautiful art space. Our Kindergarten class has the tranquil Currumbin Creek as their back yard, coupled with the beautiful big gum trees they play under, it's got to be the best spot to be spending their days. The centre focuses on child first, play based learning, with open ended resources, loose parts play, nature play, and a big emphasis on creativity and individuality. Over the years many of our educators have had children of their own and are eager to join the waitlist and have their little ones join the CPELC Family.

Location of Currumbin Pines Early Learning Centre of Excellence

54a Guineas Creek Rd, Currumbin Waters

Currumbin Waters suburb information

Currumbin Waters is a suburb located in Queensland. There are approximately 13 child care centres in Currumbin Waters.

How much is child care in Currumbin Waters? On average, the cost of child care in Currumbin Waters is $123 per day. This breaks down to $123 per day for babies, $126 per day for toddlers and $121 per day for kindergarten.

Currumbin Waters sits just above the national NQS Rating & the average rating of centres is «Meeting NQS».

Average cost per day


0-12 Months



13-24 Months



2-3 Years


National quality standard

Currumbin Waters
National Average
Working towards
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