Building Futures Montessori - Blackstone

Building Futures Montessori - Blackstone

5.0 Google Rating|Exceeding
6.15am - 6.15pm
3a Hill St, Blackstone

Centre Highlights

Allergy & Anaphylaxis Aware

Bottles Supplied

Meals Provided

Nappies & Wipes Supplied

SunSmart Aware

About Building Futures Montessori - Blackstone

The first six years of life are VITAL for the long-term successes for each child. Building Futures utilises an internationally-recognised and research-proven method of early learning. This ensures that each child is provided with the optimum possible experiences and environment to support their developing potentials. We believe that all children have the right to the best early years environments.

Children need interaction with nature, large muscle challenges, concrete learning materials, intelligent language modelling, support for socialisation and an environment which promotes their independence. Led by staff with specialist training, Building Futures centres implement the Montessori method of education which most clearly meets these needs.

Availability & Fees

6 wks to 2 yrs

This service doesn't have any vacancies for this age group right now.
Fee information is not available.

Fees for Building Futures Montessori - Blackstone may vary based on rebate availability. You may be eligible to a rebate of up to 85% of your childcare fees.

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Reviews for Building Futures Montessori - Blackstone

Allison Henningsalmost 3 years ago

We've been with Building futures Montessori Blackstone since 2015/2016 and they are just outstanding. Such amazing staff, great initiatives, a very welcoming community and I could not fault the care they've given my children over the years - I look forward to the years to come. My 7yo still remembers his time with building futures with great fondness, they definitely helped in creating the confident caring little boy he is today. I couldn't have found a better centre or community to help care for my children.

Location of Building Futures Montessori - Blackstone

3a Hill St, Blackstone

Blackstone suburb information

Blackstone is a suburb located in Queensland. There are approximately 78 child care centres in Blackstone.

How much is child care in Blackstone? On average, the cost of child care in Blackstone is $107 per day. This breaks down to $107 per day for babies, $112 per day for toddlers and $105 per day for kindergarten.

Blackstone sits just above the national NQS Rating & the average rating of centres is «Meeting NQS».

Average cost per day


0-12 Months



13-24 Months



2-3 Years


National quality standard

National Average
Working towards
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